Saturday 9 February 2008

S for Shameless

Hari Sadu, a new social phenomenon in India, is the protagonist from the advertisement of an online job portal in India. What does it mean to be called a Sadu? Well, 'sadu' in Hindi means grouch, but Hari Sadu has personified grouchy, uptight and taken it into the 21st century. Also available with uprades. This time in Bangalore, I could see huge billboards showing a desktop with an error message that reads 'Hari Sadu Virus ver. 2.5.' has not only created a good ad but an iconic figure for middle class India.

So why am I bringing up poor Mr. Sadu today? Well because it is the second most used phrase in my house today, "O stop being such a Hari Sadu." I have on occasion been called that myself. Sometimes though you need to cover it up and sugar-coat it and make Hari Sadu seem like an endearing name. But is there really anything adorable about being a Hari Sadu?. I guess there is because all of us have been a Hari Sadu at some point in time or another but never continuously. And part-time sadus are a different story altogether - when you see the contrast of them being nice, it appears very nice indeed, making them adorable.

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