Wednesday 6 February 2008

The Holiday

I had the good fortune to catch a dreadful cold, flu, fever, cough (you name it, I caught it) after an awful two weeks of hard work, hard partying and emotional roller coasters. It is the best holiday ever. I suppose I consider it a holiday because it came at a time when I wanted it the most and so it is appreciated so much more. And this is all I am going to go into the whole sickness-is-the-body's-way-of-telling-you-to-relax routine. After all, I don't want my blog about the holiday to be boring.

I have been lying in bed all day with all my to-do lists surrounding me. Watching all those little post-its trying to be stern and remind me of all the tasks that I have not completed yet, I can't help but chuckle to myself. I have a feeling that in a little while I will no longer be able to control the giggles and it will blow out to full-sized maniacal laughter. Though now, the post-its are trying to talk some sense into me. They tell me that I should concerntrate on the tasks that are less cumbersome, tasks that I could accomplish while lying in bed. I wonder where they picked up the fine art of negotiation. But no matter, I can ignore them for a while longer.

Lying in bed all day, legitimately, without feeling guilty has its joys. For one, you discover and understand the nuances of your pillow and sheets much better. It came as a great surprose to me to find that the left side of my pillow is more comfortable to use as a teddy bear than the right side of my pillow which is the more firm, no-nonsense side. It positively reeks of army like discipline - the right side because if you sleep on it for the whole night you jump up early in the morning with a pain in the neck.

The other joy that I have discovered is cough lozenges. I think I may have a new addiction. I dread to count how many I must have popped in the last hour. A little later on I may indulge in a little arts and crafts and try and see what innovative things I can build with 50 lozenge wrappers.

The most fun though has been watching the sky change out of the window over my head. Glorious fun. I predicted that clouds would be rolling in from the west by mid-afternoon long before the TV weather man even got there. For now though I am listening to a song called Life, more specifically Life (High Quality) by a Eurotrance group called E-Type and enjoying the clouds. Very apt, isn't it?

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